Contact Information:
Attendance Lead: Mrs G Langley
Attendance Officer: Mr G Gornell
Telephone Number: (0151) 284 1919
Northcote Primary School Attendance
At Northcote Primary School, attendance is always high on our agenda! We want to ensure that all children are in receipt of the fantastic curriculum on offer at Northcote, but for this to be effective children must attend regularly.
As you know, improving attendance is a huge priority at Northcote Primary School. We believe that every child should aim to attend school EVERY DAY.
The National Target of 97% is a guide that we use as the minimum benchmark for attendance.
We cannot teach or effectively safeguard our children if they are not in school!
Weekly Attendance:
Information on Attendance for Parents and Carers
To request a leave of absence or notify school of a holiday, please either print off form below and hand this into our school office.
Leave of absence / Holiday Notification Form
Attendance Documents
Attendance Information for Parents and Carers 24-25
Penalty Notice / Upcoming changes to Attendance – Letter to Parents from LCC – July 24
Linked Policies:
Safeguarding Policy
SEND Policy
Behaviour Policy
To access the above policies please click the link below: