Welcome to Northcote’s Design and Technology Page!

Design and Technology (D&T) | St. Bede's Catholic Primary School


Our Subject Leader for Design Technology is Mrs Akyurek.


Below is an overview of our Design Technology Curriculum:

DT overview 2024-2025

Design Technology at Northcote

At Northcote Primary, we believe that D&T lessons can provide children with opportunities to develop lifelong skills.   Design, Make, Evaluate is the teaching and learning process that we follow.  It is our aim that children are fully engaged in DT lessons and make progress through a set of skills as they move through their primary school education.

D&T is taught through discrete, meaningful lessons in which, children are taught through the three phases of designing, making and evaluating their own products.  Each year group focuses on 3 topics throughout the year and each topic will focus on a separate set of skills. As children progress through the school, they are presented with opportunities to develop these skills, as similar topics are revisited and built upon. 

During D&T lessons, many cross-curricular links are observed.  Maths links are easy to come across during any D&T lesson; children are continuously measuring during the ‘design’ and ‘make’ phases of lessons. During cooking topics, children are measuring out ingredients, as well as calculating the quantities of different recipes. Instructions are often created as part of the ‘design’ phase, which has a direct link to English. Through the children presenting their products confidently oracy skills are practiced. Science knowledge is practiced when children are creating products that contain electrical components, for example Year 4 children use their knowledge of electrical circuits to create nightlights/torches. Teachers also encourage children to consider the impact their product can have on the wider world, to ensure they realise the difference they may make in the future.



Northcote Design and Technology Policy:


(Reviewed policy to be uploaded.)