Guidance for parents on how we ‘do maths’ at Northcote.

Addition Handout for Parents.pdf

Addition Handout for Parents pg 2.pdf

Subtraction Handout for Parents.pdf

Subtraction Handout for Parents pg 2.pdf

Multiplication Handout for Parents.pdf

Multiplication Handout for Parents pg 2.pdf

Multiplication Handout for Parents pg 3.pdf

Division Handout for Parents.pdf

Division Handout for Parents pg 2.pdf

Division Handout for Parents pg 3.pdf

How we complete additions

This video demonstrates the most efficient written formal method for the addition of larger or decimal numbers.

How we complete subtractions.

Watch this video to see the method we use to complete subtractions involving larger and decimal numbers. The documents above show the learning sequence that has lead to this method.

How we complete multipilcations.

Watch this video to see how we use the formal, written long multiplication method. This is the most efficient method however if you follow the guidance above you will see that children must be confident in their place value knowledge and multiplication tables to be able to apply this method.

Year 6 ‘Northcounts’ – maths puzzle morning.

Year 5 ‘Northcounts puzzle morning’

Year 4 Puzzle Morning – Northcounts

Year 3 Northcounts Puzzle Morning

Y2 ‘Northcounts’ Maths Puzzle Morning!

MATHS IS EVERYWHERE! This was the theme for this morning’s puzzle morning!

Year 2 and their families had a wonderful morning solving lots of maths puzzles including; measuring liquids and weighing solids, working out shopping problems; practising times tables & colouring symmetrical patterns.

A big thank you to all parents, grandparents, aunties & uncles who joined the children. We all had lots of fun!

Y1 .Northcounts’ Maths Puzzle Morning!

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