Welcome to our admissions page

Reception and Secondary School Admissions:


For information and support on how to apply for a reception or secondary place, please visit the following link:



The deadline for applying for high school (Year 7), for September 2025, is 31st October 2024. You can apply online from 1st September 2024.

Year 7 Admissions Letter 2024-25


The deadline for applying for primary school (Reception), for September 2025, is 15th January 2025. You can apply online from 1st September 2024.



For information about late applications, please see the Liverpool City Council guidance here: 


As a maintained school, our admissions policy for Reception is determined by Liverpool City Council. 






In-year Admissions

An in-year transfer is when a child moves from one school to another during the academic year because:

  • you move house, either within or into Liverpool.
  • you want your child to change schools for other reasons.

In accordance with guidance set out by Liverpool City Council, if you wish to move your child from one Liverpool school to our school, please speak to your child’s current school. They will liaise us. 


Admission to our Nursery

Please contact school to obtain a  ‘Registering Interest’ form and join the Nursery waiting list.

Alternatively, you can download the form by clicking the link below: ‘Registering Interest’ / Nursery Application Form

Places are allocated in September and then any remaining places are allocated after children turn three throughout the year.

If we have no places in the year you require, we will keep you details on our waiting list for 2 school terms and will contact you if places become available. Equally, if you no longer require your place then please let us know so that we can update our waiting list.

As a maintained school, our admissions policy for Nursery is determined by Liverpool City Council. 

For Information on free child care places please visit: Liverpool Council- Free childcare for 3 and 4 year olds


New to the city or transferring from another local authority school

If you are moving to Liverpool or you want to move your child to a Liverpool school from another local authority, apply online using the link below.

You should also follow this process if you have elected to home educate but you now want your child to attend a Liverpool school.



Follow the Link below to register. https://www.gov.uk/30-hours-free-childcare