Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Team

Our Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead is Mrs Monks. She works as part of our Safeguarding Team to support the health and wellbeing of our school community.

Should you require any further information or support, please do not hesitate to contact one of our team members.

Mrs Monks                   Mental Health and Wellbeing Lead                      j.monks@northcote.liverpool.sch.uk

Mrs Langley                 Assistant Headteacher / SENCO                        g.langley@northcote.liverpool.sch.uk

Miss McCullouch          Designated Safeguard Lead/Pastoral Support      l.mcculloch@northcote.liverpool.sch.uk


Action for happiness calendar


Try some of these daily ideas for happier living! 

NHS Five ways to wellbeing

At Northcote we believe that following the NHS five steps to mental wellbeing guide is a great starting point for improving mental health and wellbeing. 

Here are the five key areas to focus on when looking after your wellbeing and mental health.

1. Connect

Connect and communicate with the people around you.

2. Be active

Get moving. Exercise.

3. Be creative and play

You are creative; find your inspiration.

4. Learning

Learning new skills and gaining knowledge feels rewarding.

5. Take notice

Use your senses. Notice your surroundings. Enjoy it.

More information:

CBBC, The five ways to look after your own wellbeing:



Other useful links

NHS Mental health services


verywellmind – Conditions A to Z
