Welcome to Northcote’s Mathematics Page!

Our Mathematics lead is Mr Canovan.


Our approach to Mathematics

Mathematics is delivered as part of our Core Curriculum. 

Mathematics helps children to make sense of the world around them through developing their ability to calculate, to reason and to solve problems. It enables children to understand and appreciate relationships and pattern in both number and space in their everyday lives.

Here at Northcote Primary School, we believe that all children can succeed in maths and aim for all of our children to be confident mathematicians. With this aim in mind, we follow the NCTEM’s principles of ‘Teaching for Mastery’ ensuring our curriculum prioritises having a secure understanding of mathematical concepts and processes, combined with a genuine procedural fluency. When children have mastered a mathematical concept they will then deepen their understanding, for example by applying it to solve problems embedded in mathematical investigations or more complex contexts. Any children who do not master an objective with the rest of the class will be supported to enable them to gain more experience and achieve mastery, for example, through same-day intervention.

How we plan and teach our Mathematics curriculum

Early Years and Foundation Stage

In Nursery we follow the White Rose Maths Hub Scheme plan which supports the teaching of early maths skills through both adult-led and continuous provision activities. The focus is on introducing the foundations of mathematics through key practical experiences. The scheme builds on early mathematical concepts slowly and develops these throughout the year, so children gain a deep understanding.

Nursery Overview

In Reception this year, we are introducing the NCTEM’s ‘Mastering Number’ programme as our main maths curriculum. The program aims secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children and focuses on the 5 key areas of: Subitising, Cardinality, ordinality and counting, Composition and Comparison. Each half term consists of 5 weeks of teaching. Once each block has been completed, we then use the White Rose Maths Resources to support our teaching of the other areas of the EYFS Maths curriculum: Pattern, Shape and Space.

Mastering Number Reception Overview

Key Stage One and Key Stage Two

In Years 1 – 6, we use the White Rose Maths Hub schemes of learning which break down each National Curriculum objective into fluency, reasoning and problem solving. The links below will take you to an overview of content for each year group.

Year 1 Overview

Year 2 Overview

Year 3 Overview

Year 4 Overview

Year 5 Overview

Year 6 Overview

Calculation Policies 

Below are our calculation policies for the 4 operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) This ensures that there is consistency and clear progression in the way the 4 operations are taught across the school. This documents are also useful to our families who would like to support their child’s learning at home. Throughout the year, we aim to provide opportunities for parents and carers to come into school to work with their children or take part in parent workshops.

Addition and subtraction calculation policy

Multiplication and Division calculation policy

Our Maths Lessons

Our teachers provide opportunity to ‘recall and review’ prior learning and key number facts needed for successful mathematical calculation at the start of each lesson. We use a ‘Concrete, Pictoral Abstract’ approach to allow children to explore concepts in depth and build a secure understanding. Our teachers us clear modelling and worked examples and success criteria, followed by guided practice to ensure that all children can be successful. Once children are secure in a concept they then apply their knowledge and skills independently and tackle a range of fluency, reasoning and problem solving tasks.

Our classrooms are well resourced with physical maths aides and resources (eg. Numicon, place value grids) and working walls are updated regularly to support learning and encourage independence. 

Wider Maths Opportunities 

Children in Year 1 and Year 2 will also begin the NCTEM’s ‘Mastering Number’ program this year. This will ensure that over time children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number. These sessions will be an additional 15 minute session delivered daily to all children in class. Please click the links below to see the overview for each year group. 

Mastering Number Year 1 Overview

Mastering Number Year 2 Overview

In addition to daily mathematics lessons, children have the opportunity to focus on their arithmetic skills during our ‘Fluent in 5’ sessions, aimed at children exploring different strategies for the 4 operations and selecting the most efficient.

We we ensure that there are purposeful cross curricular links throughout our wider curriculum, particularly in subjects such as Science, Computing and Design Technology. Throughout the year we also plan events to celebrate maths for example Liverpool’s ‘Maths Party Day’.


Continuing Development 

We are currently taking part in a 3 year ‘Maths Mastery’ course through our Local Maths hub to develop our approach to delivering a mastery curriculum. Our school works in collaboration with 6 other local schools; here the subject leaders meet and discuss aspects of the maths curriculum, sharing good practice and ideas for purposeful teaching and learning.
























Designing our own TV guide, using 24 hour time





















Exploring number, shape and pattern in EYFS