Welcome to Northcote’s RE Page!

Religious Education – Hillside Primary School | Baddeley Green | Staffordshire

Our R.E. Subject Leader is Mr McMurtry.

Below is an overview of our R.E Curriculum:

RE Overview 2024-2025


R.E. at Northcote

 At Northcote, we base our work on the following  religions: Christianity, Hinduism, Islam,  and Judaism.  Our work is based around how people worship in each religion, we read religious stories and discover how we can learn from each religion. To support our teaching and learning in R.E we have adopted the ‘Jigsaw R.E’ scheme of work and supplement this with high quality texts from ‘Opening Worlds’.




RE is delivered through both discrete lessons and lessons in other areas of the social values curriculum.  We learn about the six main religions of the world, with an emphasis on how we learn from religion and it can be related to children’s lives.  We complete work both in a written format, as well as giving children the opportunity to partake in art, drama, discussion and computing.

As the children move through the school, they begin by learning about different religions and places of worship and festivals.   They begin to recognise that religious teachings and ideas can make a difference to individuals and families.  They reflect on how spiritual and moral values relate to their own behaviour.  Children read religious stories to support this, in addition to using drama and role play.  As the children move through the school, children deepen their knowledge of religions and progress by linking this to their own lives.  They are asked to consider how religions can support pupils when reflecting upon ideas of right and wrong and their own and others’ responses to them.  Children are also encouraged to discuss their own and others’ views of religious truth and belief, expressing their own ideas.  

Staff are trained internally by the RE coordinator of any new developments in the subjects and given insight into new resources that may be of use in the classroom.  The RE coordinator attends RE courses offered by the local authority. 

RE is allocated time during foundation sessions, occasionally teachers may prefer to teach a unit in a block to strengthen a particular topic.  The Northcote prayer is a weekly feature of the KS1 and KS2 assemblies, reinforcing morals and values expected from all pupils.

RE is given a yearly budget and this is spent on a range of resources that can support learning in the classroom.  Throughout the school, all year groups focus on the resurrection at Easter and the birth of Christ at Christmas.  This links to drama and these are performed to the whole school community.


R.E. Policy

R.E. policy 2021.doc

(Reviewed policy to be uploaded.)