Welcome to Northcote’s PSHE Page!

Our Subject Leader for P.S.H.E. is Miss Turner

Our curriculum

Below is an overview of our PSHE Curriculum

PSHE Overview 2023-2024

PSHE inc. RSHE policy June 2024

We are currently updating our knowledge and skills progression document.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic education plays an important role in everyday life at Northcote and underpins our school ethos of ‘Caring, Learning, Growing’. Our aim is to allow each child the opportunity to achieve his/her potential in happy, caring surroundings, encouraging pupils to develop self-confidence and self-esteem. To support teaching and learning in this area we use and adapt the ‘Jigsaw PSHE’ Scheme of learning.

PSHE encompasses all areas designed to promote children’s personal, social and health development. It gives children the knowledge, skills and understanding that they need to stay healthy and safe, develop worthwhile relationships, respect differences, develop independence and responsibility, and make the most of their own abilities and those of others.

PSHE and citizenship education is delivered both within discrete timetabled lessons, through planned, themed weeks and also through cross-curricular links. The timetable is adapted where necessary to meet the needs of arising issues on a weekly basis.

Examples of themed weeks: ‘Bonfire Safety Week’, ‘Friendship Week’, ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’ and RSE (Relationship and Sex Education).

Examples of cross-curricular links: Dental health, personal hygiene, healthy lifestyles through Science, online safety through computing. P4C is flexible and linked to current topics for example: Geography comparing two different countries (affluent and deprived) raising questions like “Should wealth be shared equally?”

There are various after school clubs that play a vital role in promoting Healthy Lifestyles and Citizenship e.g. ‘Health and Fitness’ club.  These clubs are targeted at specific year groups.

Where possible key speakers are invited into school to share their roles and responsibilities e.g. In Science this year we have invited friends and family members to share their experiences and hopefully inspire pupils about the wider world.

RSE (Relationships and Sex Education)

Below outlines advice for parents around participation in this element of our curriculum. 

  • Parents will not be able to withdraw their child from Relationships Education in primary school or secondary school
  • Parents will be able to withdraw their child from primary school classes which address sex education – i.e. those that do not sit within the Relationships Education curriculum.
  • Maintained primary schools are required to teach National Curriculum science, which includes some elements of sex education. Parents do not have a right to withdraw from this.

Our Relationships and Sex Education curriculum is delivered using resources from Jigsaw. Please see the document below to view the content for each year group.

Changing me RSHE Puzzle Maps



Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural Development (SMSC) Policy (including the promotion of Modern British Values)

Northcote SMSC Policy 2019-20

Language and diversity at Northcote